Rain City



Description The game begins with the main character, a cat, who embarks to Rain City to find his sister. The story is both bizarre and exciting making players get lost in a mushroom field, search for a secret passage, and run experiments in a laboratory. The reason rain continues in Rain City is uncovered when players find his missing sister...

Players control the main character to look for his sister in the city. The story moves along while meeting various characters, gathering information, solving puzzles, and clearing minigames. There are elements that test skills including memory and observation, and the many items that appear add to its appeal to the game.

The picture book-like graphics and story about animals who live like humans will draw you in to the world of Rain City.
Rating Ages 10+ (Comic Mischief, Mild Fantasy Violence, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco)
  • Chinese (Simplified/Tradiitional)
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Spanish